
有了WiFi, 朋友也不雖見面,見面時有見面的親密,但不見面在單對單的signal 對話中,只要雙方願意,也可盡訴心中情。


有天朋友母親驚醒還是二女好,為何二女什麼也分不到,什麼也沒有,但一直默默付出。 朋友母親就帶朋友去律師樓辨遺產分配書,年紀老邁又緊張,面對律師,她連二女的名字也說不出。律師問你二女叫什麼名字。 朋友母親指指右邊 「佢」 律師問 :「佢叫乜名?」 老人家怎也想不起,説不出。 遺產分配書辨不成,朋友不是尷尬,不是失望,而是童年的缺陷,缺乏愛的命運,成長的空虛重燃,像一列失控火車闖進平靜已久的田園,在奔馳中急速殺車,輾死艱難發芽的小草小花。

她再次跌進那一直以為已遮蔽的黑洞,童年的回憶重襲,不公不允是多麼不解。 她不明白,為何在原生家庭多年,一直乖巧盡孝,最後她母親連自己女兒的名字也忘記,而且也不是認為令二女不公才改遺囑,是以改受益人來讓長子知道,老人家還有能力改遺囑,老人最後的抗議,從不是糾正不公,朋友明白,她只是一枚棋。


很累,丈夫怪她不挺起討回公道, 她又能怪誰。電話中,放聲嚎哭⋯⋯

我明白朋友,有些人和事已不能再見,不能重修,有些不忿都是虛無,淡忘了,又再復現。 她被深夜無情拷問,「她」存在的價值。


我想起鄧小樺在 《我香港,我街道》 的《輓歌》 中提到一套改編自劉以鬯小說 《對倒》的舞台劇。 時間永不停頓, 劇中女主角像國內自由行拖着喼,攀山涉水,重走劉以鬯《對倒》的原著路線,作為告別香港的儀式。男女主角在旺角茶餐廳相遇,一直接收喑示,等待突破,同時各自喃喃言道 「浪費時間,浪費時間⋯」 。回不去的時間,錯愛的浪費。 朋友單愛家庭,家庭從不愛她,她甘心被浪費。此城無盡真愛,痴心錯付。舞台劇落幕於黑喑中,最後一句台詞,「我們不是路過的。我們不是路過的」

悲劇才是浪漫,悲劇也總會重演。世界一戰期間,奧斯曼帝國(Ottoman Empire)加入同盟國,與協約國作戰。在高加索戰事中,奧斯曼帝國被俄軍擊敗,政府將戰爭的責任轉嫁為亞美尼亞人的背叛,因而展開對亞美尼亞人的迫害。1915年,亞美尼亞人被驅逐出境,被強行帶往集中營,饑荒、強暴,虐死,難得苟活的被殺。150萬亞美尼亞人被滅絕屠殺。 一直以來,美國因為政治利益,縱然知道真相也迴避立埸。104 年後(2021年)拜登才以美國總統身份,正式發表聲明,以「種族滅絶」形容1915年亞美尼亞大屠殺。

我看着電視屏幕,104年後的認同,又有什麼用? 但原來我忽略了歷史的無辜名聲,簡化了歷史應記下的過程。Al Jazeera電視台訪問了,當年逃難至美國的亞美尼亞人,垂老的九十歲婆婆,回想山上的亡靈,全家被殺,悲從中來,老淚縱橫,她說「多謝,還他們那一代清白,他們沒有白死,他們存在過⋯」





  1. Dear Wu Ming 無明,

    I understand your sentiment regarding “我們不是路過的". Nevertheless, I would like to offer you the following statement by Robert Louis Stevenson:

    We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.

    Happy May to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Wu Ming 無明,

    Speaking of the Moon, did you have a chance to observe and photograph the April super pink moon, which is the very first super moon of 2021 on the 26th or 27th? What a night it was to look upon the full moon shining upon the landscape in all its grandeur, and to reflect deeply in the moment!

    Being a lover of moon myself, I would like to entertain, inspire and resonate with you through my most animation-intensive post presented to you as a courtesy of my dramatic attempt to bring the Full Moon alive, so to speak, in the form of Music Animation with Dynamic Visualization presented in high definition and imbued with a scintillating full moon surrounded by eye-catching astronomical phenomena and stellar activities!

    This post has not only been extended but has also been improved from top to bottom. It is now covered in animations throughout.

    In order to see all of the animations, please make sure that you view the post on my blog and not via the WordPress Reader. Please enjoy to your heart’s content the mixed-media offering of “If My Name Were Moon Tonight…" and its beautifully rendered Music Animation with Dynamic Visualization on the big high-resolution screen of your desktop or laptop computer. Switch the video playback to full-screen mode. The animation starts calmly and will gradually climax.

    Apart from the stylish presentation of my rhyming poem extended with a postlude followed by a special stanza for the April Pink Supermoon, there is also the opportunity to savour my own rendition of “Clair de Lune” recorded on the organ.

    The direct link to the post is https://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2020/10/10/if-my-name-were-moon-tonight-with-clair-de-lune/

    I am very curious of what you think and look forward to receiving your feedback there.

    May you and your family and friends find the rest of 2021 very much to your liking and highly conducive to your writing, reading, thinking and composing whatever posts that take your intellectual fancy and show your spiritual growth!

    Yours sincerely,
    SoundEagle 聲鷹

    Liked by 1 person
